Gennady Gladkov musical An Ordinary Miracle
Produced by Alexey Ivaschenko, directed by Ivan Popovsky, 2010

«Glory to the brave who dare to love knowing that there is an end to it. Glory to the insane who live as if they were immortal. Love, love each other and us, do not chill out, do not pull back - and you will be blessed, as it is a miracle!» (Eugeny Schwartz)

Florrence-the Reneissance StarTrack list : (click to donload MP3)



Composed by Gennady Gladkov, lyric by Juli Kim
orchestrated by Vyacheslav Serzhanov
conducted by Armen Pogosjan

Performed by Igor Balalaev, Irina Lindt and the group of artists, director-Ivan Popovski, producer-Aleksei Ivaschenko

Computer phonogram by Ivan Scherbakov (1)